Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Coins for SANDS

Coins for SANDS
Originally uploaded by Pina Colada PAD

Today, I explained how my website works to my pupils and talked to them about SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society UK).

Naturally and perhaps fortunately, they had not heard of the charity and were extremely sensitive when I described the kinds of circumstances when SANDS support is called upon. They were touched and agreed it was a great charity for Petit Poppet to support and we had a long debate about the fact that many worthy charities just don't have the awareness campaigns following them that they deserve.

Following their morning break, one of my girls approached me and handed me these coins. They are the change from her snack money and she asked me to donate it on her behalf.

There are good people growing up in the world and I'm glad to be working with them.

if you would like to donate to SANDS too please visit or to simply learn more about this invaluable charity and how it supports those it benefits visit:


  1. That is so awesome :) So glad to hear there is another generation of givers out there.

  2. Thanks Emma, I know it's so fab!
