Monday, 22 February 2010

Dear blog...

I feel bad.

Sorry blog, it's not that I don't like you, I really do... it's just that I've been so busy. no excuse I know and I want you to know that I'm sorry.

I have to admit though, I'm finding this a bit of a one way relationship? I write to you, you don't write back. I'm going to assume this isn't a reflection on how you feel about me.

So, to fill you in, 2010 has been a busy year so far. Petit Poppet has been getting busier and busier whcih is just superb. We've raised nearly £700 for SANDS so far and have not paid for any advertising so it's all through word of mouth which is just brill.

Ellen is crawling and trying to walk, she's doing great at nursery but picking up bug after bug.

I'm back at work 3 days a week which is taking some adjusting to. I keep forgetting I won't be in on Monday. Of course, as everyone said, I'm not hating it as much as I thought I would. Between you and me, some days I even like it.

Photography is taking over all my 'spare' time. I'll admit I'm obsessed. I'm doing a 365 project (picture every day for a year) on flickr and have expanded on that to attempt a 365 of the robot Wall-E! I am mad I know.


That's about all for now, I promise to keep you more in the loop though.

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