Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Norwegian Adventure

Well, this last weekend we made the long overdue adventure to Oslo to visit friends. I have to admit that I was anxious about the trip (packing for even a day out always seems to prove a time consuming task) however, we managed to downscale to the one bag we had planned to take and at 2:45a.m. Thursday morning... off we set for the airport.

We spent a great deal of time weighing up pro's and con's of various slings from our stash to take with us and eventually settled on the Gothic Rose Connecta ( It was a big deal as we'd agreed to go sans buggy . Given that I've only used my poor buggy twice in the last two months it seemed sensible but did feel almost rebellious in some way.

Ellen was a star traveller. We transferred her from bed to car seat (poor poppet!) and she remained asleep all the way to the airport. I put her in the Connecta to transfer to airport from car park and she chilled out and took everything in until we boarded the plane and she fell asleep.

The whole weekend followed a similar pattern. Rob and I shared the babywearing and we converted another believer as our friend wore Ellen whilst we enjoyed the ice rink in Oslo.

Rob did his first back carry which proved a big hit for both him Ellen as we cruised the Christmas market.

All in all, travelling without the buggy was a big success and entirely hassle free. Feel like we are fully fledged babywearers now!

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